
Certification Preparation CourseAdobe Illustrator


你准备好释放你的创造力,把你的平面设计技能到一个新的水平吗? 我们的Adobe Illustrator课程是任何人寻求创造美丽的完美选择, professional-grade illustrations and designs. 无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的设计师, 这门综合课程将为您提供为印刷和数字媒体创造令人惊叹的设计所需的知识和技能.





With expert instruction, hands-on learning, and a focus on best practices, 您将能够创建从徽标和品牌到数字插图和信息图形的一切. 重点是为您准备Adobe认证专业人员考试, 您将有机会参加实践考试,并为成为Adobe Illustrator的认证专业人员做好充分准备. 今天报名参加我们的Adobe Illustrator课程,并采取朝着创建设计,将使您在当今竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出的第一步.

你准备好释放你的创造力,把你的平面设计技能到一个新的水平吗? 我们的Adobe Illustrator课程是任何人寻求创造美丽的完美选择, professional-grade illustrations and designs. 无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的设计师, 这门综合课程将为您提供为印刷和数字媒体创造令人惊叹的设计所需的知识和技能. With expert instruction, hands-on learning, and a focus on best practices, 您将能够创建从徽标和品牌到数字插图和信息图形的一切. 重点是为您准备Adobe认证专业人员考试, 您将有机会参加实践考试,并为成为Adobe Illustrator的认证专业人员做好充分准备. 今天报名参加我们的Adobe Illustrator课程,并采取朝着创建设计,将使您在当今竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出的第一步.

Participant Benefits

With Adobe Illustrator, 学生将学习界面的基本原理, 了解如何创建和导出与网络视频和打印兼容的文件, create basic to advanced shapes, learn and master the pen tool, work with color, create masks and work with transparencies, create and format text, create graphs and charts with real-world data.

  • 培养为屏幕、网页和印刷创建专业级资产的技能
  • 开发创建网页图形和横幅所需的技能
  • 培养制作海报、传单和包装等印刷品所需的技能
  • 学习如何使用颜色和颜色渐变
  • 学习如何格式化类型,在路径上创建类型
  • 学习如何创建蒙版,效果和透明度
  • 培养使用符号的技能,并创建图形和图表
  • Small Class sizes - 15 student max
Sessions will be in person on 利记sbo's Campus

Duration: 15 Weeks



Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

本周将向您介绍Adobe Illustrator, its interface, 以及矢量图形和光栅图形的区别. 您将学习如何创建和保存一个新的Illustrator文件, 并探索在Illustrator中可用的基本形状和工具. 您还将了解Adobe Illustrator的在线资源.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • 介绍adobeillustrator及其界面
  • 了解矢量图形和矢量和栅格图形的区别
  • Creating and saving a new Illustrator file
  • Basic shapes and tools in Illustrator
  • Online resources for Adobe Illustrator (e.g. Adobe Help Center, Adobe Community, etc.)

Basic Illustration Techniques

本周将重点关注钢笔工具和锚点, 以及如何创建和编辑基本的形状和对象. 您还将学习如何使用形状生成器工具,并了解图层和图层面板.

  • Working with the Pen tool
  • Understanding anchor points and paths
  • Using the shape builder tool
  • Creating and editing basic shapes and objects
  • Understanding layers and the layer panel

Advanced Illustration Techniques

本周将介绍高级技术,如使用渐变工具和创建渐变, working with the brush tool, creating and using custom brushes, and creating and editing patterns. 您还将学习如何使用外观面板.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • 使用渐变工具创建渐变
  • Understanding the appearance panel
  • Working with the brush tool
  • Creating and using custom brushes
  • Creating and editing patterns

Typography in Illustrator

This week will cover the type tool, formatting text, creating and editing paragraph styles, and using the Glyphs panel. 您还将学习如何在路径上使用类型. 

In this lesson, you'll learn the following:

  • Using the type tool
  • Formatting text and creating text effects
  • Creating and editing paragraph styles
  • Working with type on a path
  • Using the Glyphs pane

Advanced Typography Techniques

这周将介绍使用字体和排版资源, formatting text with character styles, creating and editing text wraps, designing logos with typography, and creating complex typography effects.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Working with fonts and typography resources
  • Formatting text with character styles
  • Creating and editing text wraps
  • Designing logos with typography
  • Creating complex typography effects

Digital Illustration Techniques

本周将介绍数字插图技术,如使用钢笔工具和其他绘图工具, creating and using custom brushes, 使用外观面板的数字插图, 并将数字插图技术应用于设计项目.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Creating digital illustrations
  • Using the pen tool and other drawing tools
  • Creating and using custom brushes
  • 使用外观面板的数字插图
  • 应用数字插图技术来设计项目

Tracing and Vectorizing Techniques

本周将介绍使用图像跟踪面板, tracing and vectorizing images, converting bitmap images to vector graphics, 并创建干净,准确的矢量图形. 您还将学习如何使用跟踪选项面板.


  • Using the Image Trace panel
  • Tracing and vectorizing images
  • Converting bitmap images to vector graphics
  • Creating clean and accurate vector graphics
  • Working with the Trace Options panel

Designing Infographics in Illustrator

这周将学习如何理解信息图表及其用途, 使用图形工具创建图表和图形, creating and editing infographics, using typography to enhance infographics, 并将设计原则应用于信息图表.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Understanding infographics and their purpose
  • 使用图形工具创建图表和图形
  • Creating and editing infographics
  • Using typography to enhance infographics
  • Applying design principles to infographics

Working with Color

这周将学习理解色彩理论, using the color panel in Illustrator, applying color to shapes, objects, and text, creating and editing color swatches, ad working with gradients and color effects.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Understanding color theory
  • Using the color panel in Illustrator
  • Applying color to shapes, objects, and text
  • Creating and editing color swatches
  • Working with gradients and color effects

Designing Logos

这周将介绍如何理解徽标的重要性, designing logos with vector graphics, using typography in logos, creating memorable and effective logos, and applying design principles to logo design.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Understanding the importance of logos
  • Designing logos with vector graphics
  • Using typography in logos
  • Creating memorable and effective logos
  • Applying design principles to logo design

Creating Layouts and Templates

本周将介绍在Illustrator中创建和使用模板, understanding layout and design principles, using grids and guides for layout, creating and using master pages, 并将布局和设计原则应用到设计项目中. 

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Creating and using templates in Illustrator
  • Understanding layout and design principles
  • Using grids and guides for layout
  • Creating and using master pages
  • 运用布局和设计原则来设计项目

Working with Images and Textures

本周将介绍如何将图像导入Illustrator, using the image crop tool, using the texture panel, creating and editing texture swatches, and applying textures to shapes and objects.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Importing images into Illustrator
  • Using the image crop tool
  • Using the texture panel
  • Creating and editing texture swatches
  • Applying textures to shapes and objects

Creating Artwork for Web and Mobile

本周我们将学习如何理解网页和移动设计原则, designing graphics for web and mobile, using the export options in Illustrator, creating and optimizing SVG graphics, and designing graphics for mobile apps.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • 了解网页和移动设计原则
  • Designing graphics for web and mobile
  • Using the export options in Illustrator
  • Creating and optimizing SVG graphics
  • Designing graphics for mobile apps

Designing for Print

这周将学习如何理解印刷设计原理, setting up documents for print, creating and using print templates, working with bleed and trim marks, 并将印刷设计原理应用到设计项目中.

In this session, you'll learn the following:

  • Understanding print design principles
  • Setting up documents for print
  • Creating and using print templates
  • Working with bleed and trim marks
  • 将印刷设计原理应用于设计项目

Adobe Certified Professional Review/Practice

这周的重点是将课程中学到的所有技能应用到期末项目中, reviewing and revising design work, 准备Adobe认证专业人员考试, and taking practice tests.

In this session you'll learn the following:

  • 将课程中学到的所有技能应用于期末项目(作品集)
  • Reviewing and revising design work
  • 准备Adobe认证专业人员考试
  • Taking a practice test

Final Review
Practice Exam